Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Cicada Central Cooking Vid
Awesome new cicada cooking vid from our friends at Cicada Central. Check it out.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
12 Step Program for Cicadas
There is a huge tree in front of our design firm. This is ground zero for the Poston and 29th Ave North Brood XIX (unit 116 Alpha Delta Gama.)
Creative Director Joel Anderson went out with his camera to document the 12 step program of cicadas trying to get their lives back on track after spending 13 years in dark and dirty places. After following one cicada who we will call Sammy, here is what we discovered about the 12-step cicada program:
Step 1: Admit that you are a creepy nymph and you need to change.
Step 2: Come out of your shell.
Step 3: Well... you get the picture.
Anyway, it was very interesting to see Sammy leave his former life of red-eyed sap-sucking mud-grubbing grovelling and blossom into a successful adult, ready to sing, fly, mate and die. (Above, we only show 9 of the 12 steps because he started doing some things we would rather not post on this blog!) He still has red eyes, but at least Sammy has finished the 12-step program—and with the help of billions of his reformed friends, he will never return to his former ways.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Cicadas are here!!
Over the weekend we were finally visited by our subterranean friends! They have emerged to impose their temporary dominion, and we personally want to welcome our new red-eyed overlords. We've even rented out our reception desk to one in particular, Sammy the cicada. We've tried to cater to his needs, bringing him fresh branches and females. "Females!" he demands, and females we search for.
Here Sammy is in his new digs. You can't tell from this angle, but he's mooning the camera.
Here is Sammy's friend, Nancy the nymph. She's practicing for when she'll be able to fly into peoples' eyes.
Sammy attacked Andy for bringing him the wrong branches. We think he was just playing around, but the look in his eyes said we’d be wise to obey his every command.
Obviously, we can't express how excited we all are presently. Andy has to finish this post now, Sammy needs to use the computer.
Here Sammy is in his new digs. You can't tell from this angle, but he's mooning the camera.
Here is Sammy's friend, Nancy the nymph. She's practicing for when she'll be able to fly into peoples' eyes.
Sammy attacked Andy for bringing him the wrong branches. We think he was just playing around, but the look in his eyes said we’d be wise to obey his every command.
Obviously, we can't express how excited we all are presently. Andy has to finish this post now, Sammy needs to use the computer.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Anderson Design Group on Channel 2!
Check it! Joel Anderson (ADG founder & owner) laid out his cicada strategy yesterday on the local 4:30 news!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife!
Who would have thought that cicadas watch Youtube? This cicada was recently caught on camera using mind-control to feed lines to a young man who the brood had singled out as the perfect spokesperson for their message of hysteria. Hide your kids, hide your wife...
Cicada News Story on Channel 4...
Looking for more facts about the impending cicada outbreak? Check out this informative story which recently aired on Channel 4 News in Nashville, TN:
Monday, May 2, 2011
First Official Cicada Sighting In Nashville!
Last night, a group of immature cicadas broke ranks and emerged ahead of schedule. They apparently wanted to be in the garner as much publicity as possible before billions of their cousins emerged and overshadowed them. The group of cicadas (who called themselves the Red-Eyed-Five) emerged at the top of Music Row in Nashville, TN, striking provocative poses on one of the city’s most famous sculptures. Birds swiftly swooped down on the youngsters, leaving nothing but droppings behind. Ignoring the fact that there is safety in numbers, these foolish pranksters managed to get their 15 seconds of fame before their untimely demise.
Another Cicada Sighting!
Yesterday in Pakistan, an American Cicada infiltrated Osama Bin Laden’s compound and led U.S. Navy Seals to their target by singing at full volume for a full 6 minutes before he was squashed by Al Qaeda operatives. The brave cicada (#2,765,983,001 from the Great Southern Brood XIX Music City Battalion) sacrificed himself for his country, unselfishly foregoing a chance to mate with over 2,000 females next week in Nashville. His fellow comrades will fly in formation and sing a special song in his honor some time in mid-May.
First Confirmed Sighting of a Brood XIX Cicada!
Last week, we had our first confirmed sighting of a Brood XIX cicada. The red-eyed invader took a wrong turn when tunneling up from the ground in Nashville, TN and somehow ended up in London, England. A royal photographer snapped this shot just before the elusive bug disappeared. Experts are baffled, but they assure the public that the cicada was either looking for love, or just wanted to sing at a wedding.